Ai Project Risk Management
Before an AI project starts, can you systematically identify and prepare for potential risks? For projects in progress, how can you overcome challenges to deployment? Introducing “The Princeton 20,” a framework to assess and overcome risks in AI, optimization, and advanced analytics.
All AI projects come with risk and many fail to progress from exploration into fully deployed production. For your projects and opportunities, leverage best practices to research, discuss and address risks. Princeton Consultants has distilled 20 scorable factors that describe the core challenges to successful AI deployment.
The Princeton 20 is divided into 10 business risk factors, such as the sponsoring executive and decision support culture, and 10 technical risk factors, such as the application novelty and speed. In every project, identified risks call for explicit, planned mitigation—Princeton Consultants will work with your team and provide proven strategies and techniques, based on more than 1,600 projects.
Founded in 1981, Princeton Consultants is the “go to” firm for advanced analytics services and solutions for industry leaders and fast-growing innovators. Contact us for an AI project risk assessment at your organization.

White paper: Assessing and Reducing Risks for AI Projects with The Princeton 20DOWNLOAD PDF

Managing AI and Optimization Project Risks with Optimization Principal Irv Lustig and Director Patricia RandallWatch the workshop

Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara on The Princeton 20.