Optimizing Safe Seating
During the pandemic, can your stadium or arena safely accommodate pods of fans of varying sizes, different types of season ticket holders, section configurations and physical characteristics? Can you quickly test different seating policies to assess their impact on fan experience and revenue? Are you relying on a one-size-fits-all ticketing solution that fails to account for the uniqueness of your venue and business priorities?
In planning stadium and arena events with limited capacity, make sure to optimize safely filled seats or you will leave a lot of money on the table. Princeton Consultants—the first firm to publicly describe a mathematical optimization-powered solution for seating during this pandemic—will deliver a robust, customized solution for your venue and organization.
Optimization provides the best possible solution to maximize attendance while observing fan safety rules. It greatly reduces the time to evaluate scenarios that take weeks or months to analyze manually. This adaptable solution allows reaction to changing health, regulatory and business conditions as COVID-19 evolves.
Princeton Consultants can help you with this important problem immediately, rigorously analyze policies, and compare results to another solution if needed. For U.S. stadium and arena managers, we are offering a complimentary optimization-powered set of seating scenarios customized for one section of your venue. Just specify the section number and distribution of pod sizes by email and let us know your availability for a conference call. This offer expires March 31.

Podcast: Resoundingly Human: Mapping a Return to Live Sports and Concert AttendanceListen to the podcast

Podcast: Analyzing the Path to Return to Venues with Dr. Irv LustigListen to the podcast

Sports Travel: How Live Sports Can Achieve Safe Social Distancing
Case Studies

New England Free Jacks Deploy Mathematical Optimization to Plot SeatingView Page

Optimizing Safe Seating for Live Events at a Division I UniversityDOWNLOAD PDF