
Princeton Consultants has successfully designed and implemented optimization technologies in leading media companies, including two of the three largest commercial printers and one of the world's best known business publications.

Optimizing Media Assets

As the media industry rapidly evolves, optimizing every decision and asset – transforming formerly manual processes to real-time decision making -- is essential for survival and growth.

Representative Projects:

  • Optimizing the real-time layout of a leading international newspaper to maximize advertising revenue
  • Optimizing the binding and production of a large-scale magazine assembly and binding facility to minimize production and postage costs.

Do we respond as well as we can to advertiser’s demands?   Could we make better decisions about our equipment if our managers were assisted with software?   Can we accept more last-minute insertions cost-effectively?  Customized optimization is ideal for unique, time-pressured business environments like newspapers.  Magazine fulfillment costs continue to rise and advertisers increasingly customize their editions according to more targeted demographics and geography.  Optimization is the answer.