
The 5 Steps of a Princeton Consultants Optimization Project

Optimization success is achieved in production when the business users are provided with a tool that makes their work faster, easier and better.

We have honed our optimization project methodology over more than 40 years to ensure business and user engagement and enthusiasm.  This methodology is presented in The Optimization Edge.

The Charter

Choose the right areas of opportunity. Assemble the right team.

  • Pick an area where the people are hungry for improvement
  • Look for an area that is not already over-committed with other large IT or change management projects
  • Assemble your best team of executive sponsor, SMEs and inside and outside optimizers
The Vision
  • Do field R & D and find top candidate projects
  • Build fast proof-of-concepts to validate technical feasibility and quantify the potential "size of the prize" over baseline
  • Project management metaphor: not a construction project, but a behavior modification project.

Select the top candidates. Use real data to prove the solution is possible and to demonstrate its value.

The Early Win

Pick an entry point. Get into production with real users. Create bottom-up enthusiasm.

  • Pick the right first users
  • Solve a problem they have, not one you want to solve
  • Give them something early they're going to love
  • Focus on the people side, not just the technical side
The Scale-up

Broaden into full field as default behavior.

  • Gain line-level field commitment for process change
  • Ensure measurements and incentives are aligned
  • Avoid collision or confusion with other projects
  • Goal: fastest Total Time to Payback (TTP) vs. Total Time to Delivery (TTD)
The Harvest
Expand functionality. Use savings to lower prices / expand share. Sell capabilities.
  • Guard against recidivism - old habits die hard
  • Look for logically adjacent areas to expand the breadth and value of the optimization
  • Tell the story throughout the enterprise
  • Look for other businesses where the success can potentially be replicated - new opportunities are the best reward for optimizers